Donate to NDI
How are your financial contributions to NDI spent?
NDI is a registered not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. Our work is governed by a board of directors, an executive committee, and its president, all of whom are unpaid volunteers. All funds contributed to NDI are used to advance and support its programs and mission. NDI has also been very successful in raising funds for causes and activities that are consistent with our mission by making special appeals to our supporters. Examples of our expenditures are:
Expenses associated with holding of the annual MLK Day Celebration, Diversity Summit, and Race Amity Day, such as payments to performing artists, honoraria to some speakers, payments for technical support with A/V systems, the printing of programs, flyers and posters, and for the use of the venues (payment to staff who need to set up and clean after).
Support diversity, equity, and inclusion events in Needham and surrounding towns, such as At My neighbor’s Table.
Payments for the website, email address, hosting expenses.
Starting in 2022, a multi-year grant received from the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Needham (BID-N) will support the Needham Resiliency Network’s expenses including accounting, tax preparation and administrative support.
Donations to the MLK Scholarship Fund at Needham High School; in 2021 and 2022, over $3,400 was contributed.
In 2020, NDI collected earmarked contributions of over $12,000 for Mr. Sean Ellis’ educational fund after holding a special event to present his story which was told in a Netflix documentary: Justice for Sean Ellis

Contribute to NDI
via PayPal or credit card:
Or mail a check to:
Needham Diversity Initiative
Box 920086
1150 Great Plain Ave.
Needham, MA 02492-0086
Thank you for your support!